Sunday, 4 March 2012

I Am A Mom

I am a mom.
I know what it feels like to exist on 22 minutes of sleep and 22 cups of coffee (all cold, and rarely finished).
I’m eagerly awaiting the fashion trend that celebrates spit-up, sticky fingerprints and snot smears.
I can’t always hear myself think, but I can pick out my child’s cry from a playground full of other children.
I have no idea where my keys are but I can pinpoint the whereabouts of the extra diapers, the pink hairclip with the purple flower, the birthday party invitation, the red HotWheels car (no not that one, the other one!) and the jar of pickles… all while getting dinner on the table.

I am a mom.

I am continuously making decisions that I feel are best for my child.
I breastfed my baby because I want the best for him. I fed him with a bottle because I want what’s best for him.
My child sleeps in his own crib because I love him. My child sleeps with me because I love him.
I had my son circumcised because it was right for our family. I chose not to circumcise my son because it was right for our family.
I pierced my little girl’s ears because I think its beautiful. I chose not to pierce my little girl’s ears because I think its beautiful.
I made my child’s baby food from scratch because I wanted him to be healthy. I bought pre-made baby food because I wanted him to be healthy.
I have one child because that is the perfect amount for our family. I have more than one child because that is the perfect amount for our family.

I am a mom.

I am a mom who chooses to celebrate successes and support challenges of other moms, rather than continually contrast, compare and judge.
I am a mom who realizes that parenting is tough enough without having to make other parents justify the choices that they make for their children and their family.
I am a mom who wants the best for her child and her family and am always striving to ensure that every decision I make has that same goal in mind.
I am a mom who recognizes that we all do our best for our children and our families and “whatever gets you through the day” is quite often enough.

I am a mom.

I am my child’s biggest fan, fiercest protector, and strongest supporter.
Since becoming a mom I have felt more joy, experienced more sadness, worried more often, been frustrated more regularly, and felt more whole, more complete and more fulfilled than I could have ever imagined.

I am a mom.

I know that motherhood is about love, guidance and encouragement – not competition.
My son walked when it was time, cut teeth when it was time, said his first word when it was time, slept through the night when it was time, rode a tricycle when it was time, switched to a two-wheeler when it was time, got rid of his training wheels when it was time, and crossed the street by himself when it was time.
I am Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma, Mum and Mother.
I make every decision in an effort to forge a successful path through this crazy journey of motherhood.
I believe that every mom who has their children’s best interests at heart has earned the “Mom Badge” that allows them to choose what works best for them and their family.
I am strong, proud, insecure, confident, enthusiastic, exhausted, devoted, amused, inspired, frustrated, confused, focused, hopeful, loved and incredibly blessed.

I am a  mom.
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