parents had it easy. They walked to school…. both ways… uphill… in a
snowstorm… all year long…. Piece of cake. Now that my kid is in school, I
thought stresses of decision-making were behind me. No more Montessori
vs. Waldorf… home daycare vs. daycare centre… full-time vs. part-time. All would be right with the world once the little guy could hit the world of JK.
in my world, “JK” stands for “Just Kidding”! Catholic schools in our
area are “half-days, everyday” so I couldn’t imagine dealing with the
chaos of finding daycares, getting him there, alternate bus routes, etc.
so we decided to leave him at his daycare centre that year. Check.
SK (a.k.a. “STILL Kidding”) rolled around, he was bored, and ticked off
that his friends were trekking off to “Big School” without him. Well,
the half-day was still an issue, so we debated, researched,
soul-searched (and wine drank) and ended up sending him to the local
public school (full-day, alternate days), while keeping him at the
centre on the “off days”. Check.
was thrilled at the prospect of Grade One – Problem solved, right? Not
so much. Public school he knows or Catholic school I wanted him to
attend? French Immersion? Continue driving him or loosen the reins and
let him take the bus?
to debating, researching, soul-searching and wine-drinking, and behold -
the decision was finally made. Check. Wait… make that “uncheck” – turns
out the kid qualified for a new pilot program in the area at yet
another school that will keep him “challenged & engaged”. What?? The
Back-to-School chaos is tough enough without adding additional mama guilt & “what ifs” to the equation.
Debate, research, soul-search, drink – plus several info-gathering chats with my mommy friends
– and finally, with no Magic 8 Ball in sight, the decision was made. He
now happily attends the new school, seems to be enjoying himself and
doesn’t appear to be scarred for life. Good thing one of us isn’t!