Sunday, 6 November 2011

Taking My Holiday Season Back

The sugar rush has faded, the pumpkins have found their way to the curb, and the spooky spiderwebs have been stashed until next October. Where does that leave us? That’s right – Holiday Planning Season. The time of year where sleigh bells and mistletoe are not-so-delicately punctuated with countless items from the endless to-do list.
  • Plan the holiday baking.
  • Find the best holiday baking recipes.
  • Learn how to bake.
  • Pull out the holiday decorations.
  • Pull out the repair kit to restore the decorations that didn’t survive the Summer storage.
  • Head to the store to buy all new decorations.
  • Buy Holiday cards.
  • Address, sign & mail all Holiday cards.
  • Cut self some slack when signed & sealed Holiday cards are found in a closet following Holiday season.
  • Make a holiday gift shopping list.
  • Vow to complete all holiday shopping without leaving it to the last minute.
  • Breathe deeply when braving holiday crowds while shopping at the last minute.

Is it any wonder that the first sound of those jingling bells strikes fear in the hearts of so many of us? So much to do, so little time… so much to accomplish, so little money to go ‘round… such high expectations of holiday spirit, such low levels of patience to be endured…

Well, not this year! This year I’m taking my holiday season back – and I’m going to find my holiday cheer if it kills me!

I will not...
  • stress about finding the perfect gift for everyone.
  • glare menacingly at the next person who tells me how many shopping days there are until Christmas.
  • roll my eyes as the 27th rendition of “Silver Bells” blares over the radio airwaves… in November.
  • purposely walk slowly to my parking spot at the mall to irritate the person who has been trailing me with their car since my foot hit the pavement.

I will...
  • enjoy any and all holiday cookies that come my way without giving in to the guilt.
  • revel in the giddy happiness that the red festive cups at Starbucks bring me.
  • take a moment and reflect upon how beautiful the first snowfall really is.
  • remember that my son will only be young enough to enjoy the magic of Christmas for a short time and I should enjoy every minute of it.

So that’s that. I am officially vowing to bump “Find & retain my joy” to the top of my Holiday to-do list. I’m inspired, I’m motivated, I’m… going to run to Starbucks to kickstart my campaign with another holiday-themed cup. After that, I’m figuring out what the heck a ‘bobtail’ is, and letting those bells ring!
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